Minicold refrigerator

Minicold refrigerator

MINICOLD is a multi-use refrigerator that can be easily moved from one system to another, because it moves on wheels and is powered by a single-phase 220V electric plug. Can be combined to a 15/20 hl tank with refrigerating band (or with an immersion plate) for temperature control or the stabilisation of the products described above. Alternatively, it can be used to cool an environment with a volume up to 250m³. MINICOLD is particularly suitable for small wineries, micro-breweries, chemical labs, small food industries, patisseries, etc.

Construction features
FunzionamentoCapacità massima serbatoioCondizionamento ambiente
220V Monofase15/20 hl250 mq
Minicold refrigerator

Complete with:
- Hermetic compressor
- Air capacitor
- Plate evaporator
- Glycol water circulator
- Stainless steel base on wheels
- Panelling with embossed stainless steel finish
- Cable with 220V power plug


Codicemodellopotenza motore Kw-Atensionedimensioni mmpeso Kggas frigorigeno fluido refrigeranteresa con glicole in uscita a +7°cresa con glicole in uscita a +7°c
00002250 ZG MINICOLD 1,4-7,0 220V-50Hz monofase 650x450x550 55 gas frigorigeno acqua 38% glicole propilenico 1710 Frig/h (1,99Kw) 1110 Frig/h (1,29Kw)