“PNzeta” horizontal press

“PNzeta” horizontal press

“PnZeta” horizontal presses are made entirely of AISI 304 stainless steel, are fitted with high-quality standard components (Becker compressors and Bonfiglioli gearboxes) and are mounted on swivel wheels with brakes. “PnZeta” presses, through light pressure exerted by the membrane, are essential in an increasingly discerning and demanding market for the production of high-quality wines; they have a very high yield; they can press grapes in bunches, destemmed grapes, raisins and fermented grapes. These presses are loaded through one or more loading doors or axially. The press tanks are closed, thus limiting product oxidation to the advantage of quality; the must drains through internal channels and through the perforated loading door. In the control panel installed on the presses, there is a pre-programmed PLC with 7 work cycles; the duration of the various processing steps, however, can be personalised. The process can also be manually controlled.

Construction features
ModelloCarico uva intera KgCarico uva diraspata KgCarico uva fermentata Kg
PnZeta 6450800~900900~1000
PnZeta 108001500~16001600~1700
PnZeta 1410002100~22002200~2300
PnZeta 1712002600~27002700~2800
PnZeta 2216003300~34003500~3600
PnZeta 272004200~43004400~4500
PnZeta 3222004800~49005200~5500
PnZeta 5035007500~80008200~9000
PnZeta 80560012500~1300013500~14000
“PNzeta” horizontal press

- Open cylinder, no drainage channels
- Small tank mounted in the press frame
- Greater height for unloading on bins or marc conveyor belts
- Float on collection basin ready for pump connection (optional)


codicemodellopotenza KwØ valvola carico assiale mmdimensioni porta mmdimensioni mmpeso Kg
00006000 PnZeta 6 2,2 80 600x470 2000x1100x1350 365
00006005 PnZeta 10 3,3 80 700x470 2500x1200x1440 520
00006010 PnZeta14 4,6 80 700x470 2650x1300x1540 470
00006015 PnZeta 17 6,3 100 700x470 2750x1500x1600 730
00006020 PnZeta 22 6,3 100 n°2 500x470 3200x1500x1650 805
00006025 PnZeta 27 8,5 100 n°2 500x470 3250x1600x1770 988
00006030 PnZeta 32 8,5 100 n°2 600x470 3750x1600x1800 1530
00006035 PnZeta 50 11,5 100 n°2 700x470 4400x1800x2250 1880
00006040 PnZeta 80 11,5 100 n°2 700x470 5500x1950x2400 3000