“TSV800” vibrating sorting table

“TSV800” vibrating sorting table

Machine destined for the manual selection of hand-picked or machine-picked whole grapes, or stemmed grapes, in order to remove all waste components, such as damaged grapes and bunches, bunches not ripe, leaves and other foreign bodies. The advance of the grape is obtained from the vibration of the work surface created through the combined action of dedicated moto-vibrators. On its initial part the work surface has an under grille for the immediate recovery of the excess of liquids (must flowers) with the use of a basin placed below equipped with a garolla fitting or others under request. Appropriate side rails placed along the total length of the table, which can be quickly mounted, make easier the separation and advance of the waste product, from that destined to subsequent processing. Electrical panel with electronic variable speed drive (inverter), allowing the quick variation of the product advance speed.

Construction features
ModelloProduzione ton/h
“TSV800” vibrating sorting table


Codicemodelloproduzione Kg/hpotenza Kwmotore V/Hzlunghezza mtpeso Kg
00004188 TSV800 2000/10000 0,6 400/50 2,50 290
00004190 TSV800 2000/10000 0,6 400/50 3,00 315
00004192 TSV800 2000/10000 0,6 400/50 3,50 355
00004194 TSV800 2000/10000 0,6 400/50 4,00 380